Simple Plan

By Jennifer Pinckney

It’s a Friday night in Nashville, TN at the famous Marathon Music Works and we all quickly made our way to the show to see SIMPLE PLAN!!! I was one of the overly excited people because I am such a big fan of theirs, and tonight I got to photograph them as well as experience the fun and very talented guys of Simple Plan.

            First band up was called Northbound. They went on right on time and warmed up the audience pretty well.

            We the kings needed no introduction. They promptly came on and showed off their music skills. Travis (front-man) made a very emotional moment when he sang a song with his family on the stage with him. He held his daughter and sang proudly. Most of the crowd held up their phones and sang along to “Say you like me.”


             State Champs was our 3rd band for the night and they were on fire! So much energy and getting us all even more pumped up for the next band. The guys mentioned what an honor it is to be on tour with Simple Plan. This whole line up has been incredible so far.


            Our musical kings for the night came out loud and played a lot of their classic tunes and their fans proudly sang along. Pierre held out the mic for them because he knew that we knew the words and weren’t shy to sing along! The guys brought out many beach balls for their “beach song,” Pierre snuck back to the very back of the venue and took us all by surprise for one song (that was pretty cool) and the lead singer of We the Kings and State Champs both came back out for one song that they created together specifically for this tour called, “Where I belong.” That title is also the name of this incredible tour… so go out and see them! They are moving out west and you really don’t want to miss seeing them!

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