High Fidelity - "Stay True to Yourself"

By: Mary Welch

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Need something new to satisfy your pop punk cravings? High Fidelity is a Madrid-based band inspired by musicians like New Found Glory, Smashing Pumpkins, Deftones, and Taking Back Sunday. Formed by Pete Vivas on guitar/vocals, Diego Soriano on bass/vocals, and Mario Rueda on drums/vocals, they have recorded their first EP Stay True to Yourself at Goldfish Studios with the producer Guillermo Laorga. When Mario joined, he became the third piece of the power trio High Fidelity was looking for.  You will love the balance of their heavy guitars and noticeably pop punk vocal melodies, especially in their song “Sending Our Love (From the Well).” 

They have played with local artists such as Upside Down, Peter Lara, Alfenic, All Wrong, Bless, We Are Done, and Twice.  For 2018, High fidelity plans to play more shows, record new videos, and do some acoustic covers.  Stay up to date with them below and give Stay True to Yourself a listen!


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