The Used - Over and Over Again

By:  Starr Brown


The Used are diving into a new sound heading into 2018.  The emo legends have taken a chance on sound to what many are calling “Pandering to the radio crowd," and “Hipster sell-outs.”

While that might be the case for some, the new sound in "Over and Over Again" show how bands evolve after years.  Bands such as Paramore, Bring Me The Horizon, My Chemical Romance, and even Fall Out Boy have faced similar criticism for their departure from the familiar sounds of previous records.

"Over and Over Again" is filled with a dance beat that will surely start your 2018 off right.  The familiarity of Bert McCracken's voice keeps The Used grounded, despite their change in sound.  The track also features a repetitive electric riff that dominates throughout the entire duration of the track.

It's hard not to put "Over and Over Again" on repeat and fall in love with The Used's new direction.  All bands eventually change direction and sound at some point.  The Used are gearing up for a great change in 2018, and I can't be mad at it.


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